GL 540, Green Library, MMC | HL 124, Glenn Hubert Library, BBC, Florida International University.

Memory of Cuban Nation: Cuban dissident testimonies now available online

Memory of Cuban Nation: Cuban dissident testimonies now available online


A screenshot from Memory of Cuban Nation

A screenshot from Memory of Cuban Nation

In 2017 the Czech NGO Post Bellum partnered with FIU to record stories of Cuban dissidents and activists who fought for freedom in Cuba. The project was funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic through the Transformation Cooperation Program and the stories are now available online as part of the Memory of Nations digital collection, which provides access to a database of testimonies and personal memories of the effects of World War II and communism.

Each testimony is divided into excerpts and includes a written summary of the person and their experience. Full interview recordings are accessible with free registration to the online reading room of the archive. This collection has the potential to be an invaluable resource for any FIU faculty or student studying the impact of communism on the people of Cuba.