GL 540, Green Library, MMC | HL 124, Glenn Hubert Library, BBC, Florida International University.

Upcoming University of Miami Digital Humanities events

Upcoming University of Miami Digital Humanities events

Two Digital Humanities events will be held at the University of Miami Richter Library on February 26. Both sessions are open to the public.

DH Projects, in the Academy, and Beyond: Pursuing Alt-Ac & Non-Ac Work

Tuesday, February 26th

12:00-1:15, Learning Commons Flexible Programming Space, Richter Library 1st Floor

This session will feature a short talk by Dr. Sarah Ketchley, but then shift to open Q&A and discussion about professionalization in re digital humanities, and consideration of both “alt-academic” and non-academic job markets. All questions welcome!


Gale Digital Scholars Lab Demo & User Evaluation Session

Tuesday, February 26th

3-4:30, Learning Commons Flexible Programming Space, Richter Library 1st Floor

In the past year, Gale has launched a new tool for Digital Humanities research: the Digital Scholar Lab gives users the ability to create custom content sets containing as many as 10,000 documents. Users can search across their library’s Gale Primary Sources holdings and seamlessly select documents to be added to their custom content set.

This session will provide attendees with the ability to test out the Digital Scholar Lab tool, and ask questions and/or provide feedback on its interface. It will also be an excellent opportunity to discuss questions related to text mining, particularly related to how to obtain texts that you want to work with; and questions of representativeness – what makes a good textual corpus? User testing is a key part of DH tool and project development, and this session will also be an opportunity to learn more about what the process of providing feedback involves.